I was first turned on to the poetry of Hart Crane by a novella of Samuel R Delany's in which Crane features. He's not a very well known poet in the UK but I tracked down a new copy of his collected poems a couple of years ago and read them with fascination and awe. I can't pretend to understand him, many of his poems leave me grasping for meaning, but there is still a sense of 'getting them', an underlying feeling that he is writing about things that are within my experience of life. His most famous poem is the long poem, "The Bridge" which features the Brooklyn Bridge as almost a character in its own right. So I couldn't resist this amazing 1958 cover design when it came my way today. I can't read the artist's signature on the back panel but it's a great image.
I was first turned on to the poetry of Hart Crane by a novella of Samuel R Delany's in which Crane features. He's not a very well known poet in the UK but I tracked down a new copy of his collected poems a couple of years ago and read them with fascination and awe. I can't pretend to understand him, many of his poems leave me grasping for meaning, but there is still a sense of 'getting them', an underlying feeling that he is writing about things that are within my experience of life. His most famous poem is the long poem, "The Bridge" which features the Brooklyn Bridge as almost a character in its own right. So I couldn't resist this amazing 1958 cover design when it came my way today. I can't read the artist's signature on the back panel but it's a great image.