I hope you have all had a very happy time over the Christmas period...
Of course, there is New Year next and we are now in that odd little week where things are normal and yet, not quite back to normal! So if you are still looking for entertainment, can I respectfully remind you of The Quite Hard Book Quiz.
It's simple. Make a donation of any size to Firefly International, who work with young people from Bosnia, Palestine and Syria and in return you will be sent a link to a fascinating and "Quite Hard" quiz about books, designed not to be easily googleable. 100 questions. Enough to keep you going a couple of days in this lazy season.
As I write this we are just a few pounds off of £400.
When you've done all you can simply email me your answers and I shall mark them and a small prize awaits the cleverest of you!
Mostly, however, your few pounds will join with others and will help to provide education and help for young people who have had some pretty overwhelming disadvantages thus far.
There is still time... on January 1st I will replace the Quiz file with the answers...