Penguin Poets: Twentieth Century German Poetry
As those of you who follow me on Twitter (@CallumJBooks) will already know, R and I have had a few days away this week in the tranquil Suffolk town of Aldeburgh. A small but beautifully renovated...
View ArticleMaggi Hamblin on Aldeburgh Beach
When it wasn't in danger of inundation, we were able to spend some time wandering on the amazing beach at Aldeburgh. It's a bleak and beautiful place in winter and, at the north end has this amazing...
View ArticleVintage Photo: A Team with Embroidered Jumpers
This real photographic postcard that I picked up in my travels this week is, I thought, in need of The Dead Poets Society treatment, that is, where you cast an eye over an old group photograph and...
View Article1920s style at Peter Robinson's on Oxford Street
Peter Robinsons was "the best equipped Drapery House in Great Britain" according to the blurb inside these unpromising buff card covers. The building it occupied by 1924 took up the whole of the plot...
View ArticleLambda Rising - The Whole Gay Catalog
One of the few things I still collect for myself are book catalogues, auction catalogues and bibliographies that deal with gay literature. So I was delighted to buy this recently and it arrived during...
View ArticleThe Arabian Nights Ball at the Royal Opera House: 1911
I'm completely charmed by this little piece of ephemera. From 1911, this is the programme for "The Arabian Nights Ball" hosted at the Royal Opera House by the Foreign Ambassadors to the Court of St...
View ArticleRolfe Centenary: The Desire and Pursuit of the Whiole
Back in August, to celebrate the centenary of the death of Frederick Rolfe Baron Corvo we offered a free book of his, "while stocks lasted", to anyone who would simply agree to read it and send in...
View ArticleBetween Sunset & Dawn by Lionel Birch
This is a copy of Between Sunset & Dawn by Lionel Birch, a slim volume of youthful verse tinged with homoeroticism and published in Cambridge by the Corydon Press in 1929 in a limited edition of...
View ArticleMale Nude Knockers: Tait McKenzie's Diversions
Tait Mckenzie was a very well known sculptor whose work revolved a great deal around the depiction of male athletes and the male nude. This speciality also brought him work designing medals and...
View ArticleMeet Denis...
This happy looking chap is Denis. This is Denis sending a photo of himself to his chum Bertie. If you ever read Victorian or Edwardian school fiction and wondered if they really did talk that way...
View ArticleRowland Hilder Illustrates The Midnight Folk
Rowland Hilder (1905-1993) has been on my radar for two reasons. Firstly, I have been seeing a large number of his prints for sale in charity shops of late, I don't know why particularly they should...
View ArticleLate Review: School Story by Iain Mackenzie-Blair
School Storyby Iain Mackenzie-BlairThree Cats Press, Wester Ross, 2005Seven thirteen year old boys enter Ansell's House at Cranchester Shool, one of the major public schools in England we are told. The...
View ArticleArt in Black and White
Well, dear readers, sorry to have neglected you for so long. I am gratified to see however, that the number of copies of School Story by Iain Mackenzie Blair on Amazon, that I reviewed in my last...
View ArticleWhat's on My Walls...
One of the nice things about being a bookseller, is that every now and again you can decide to buy things for yourself as well as to sell on and because you are sifting through all kinds of books and...
View ArticleBlack and White Statuary
Should probably have included this photographic postcard in yesterday's post of random bits of black and white statuary. This is Gaudissart's 'Printemps' in the Musee du Luxembourg.
View ArticleCallum James Books: Unique Books and Other Items
It's that time again: another catalogue from Callum James Books. This time something of a departure from previous subject matter. This is a short and slightly quirky catalogue detailing "Unique"...
View ArticleA Happy Christmas to You All
Well, here's hoping you have all had a peaceful and happy Christmas and that life will return to it's usual cycles in a refreshed and invigorated way as a result.By far my best Christmas present this...
View ArticleReginald Gray Illustrates A Candle for St Georgios
Well, a Happy New Year to you all and what better way to start 2014 than with a few images from a lovely little book I picked up on the Isle of Wight, from whence R and I have just returned. This is A...
View ArticleChristoper Rice from a Decade Ago
As is my wont at this time of year, I was having a tidy round the study yesterday in the hope of clearing the decks ready to get back to work after the break and I came across this old copy of The...
View ArticleUndiscovered Creatures
I am probably coming very late to the party but on the Isle of Wight at the Quay Arts Centre in Newport recently, R and I visited an exhibition called Duets which featured work by artists working in...
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